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Ascending Bird.jpeg
Violinist Colin Jacobsen and clarinetist Siamak Aghaei adapted an ancient folk tune inspired by mythology. The well-known story of a bird trying to soar to the sun is told in "Ascending Bird". The bird reaches a symbolic spiritual transcendence when,…

Based on a traditional Syrian love song that you can find in the Northeast portions of the country. The producer Kinan Azemeh says the song is “loud and unpredictable, like the Silkroad Ensemble.” Using the piece as hope at the end of concerts shows…

(The Spanish sounds more like rap, while the Chinese is slower, casual pop)
This song leans more heavily into modern Chinese music in lyrical and visual expression yet has an unexpected pop of fast-paced Spanish rap, representing the artist's ethnic…

(Turkish speaking intro, English pop/electric, Mexican folk/Mariachi) BELLYDANCING is a high-energy song with a Turkish rap intro, English pop lyrics, and a consistent Mariachi (Mexican Folk instrumental) undertone. This song aggressively and…

(English hip-hop, Spanish rap) Eddie Zuko is a young Chicano singer/songwriter from California's Imperial Valley. This song has a very culturally rich video showing his actual family and friends while expressing his Mexican and Californian roots. The…

Rhiannon Giddens is the banjo player who starts the song. She is also the director of the Silk Road Ensemble, which embodies the movement of modern Silk Road music by producing music that engages differences, sparking radical cultural collaboration…

Imagine Dragons is an American pop rock band, yet the lead (most prominent) instrument in this piece is a Rubab which is a national instrument of Afghanistan showing amalgamation.
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